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Workshop del Dottorato in Medicina Molecolare: Cancer Day, MBC (Turin) 7 June 2012


Anno accademico 2011/2012


Sommario insegnamento



Cancer-DAY : from metabolism to immunotherapy

Turin, June 7th 2012

Molecular Biotechnology Center

Via Nizza 52


8.45 Welcome

9.00-10.00 Dr. T. W. Mak, University Health Network, Campbell Family Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto ON Canada

10.00-10.30 Dr. C Gorrini, University Health Network, Campbell Family Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto ON Canada – “Oxidative stress regulation in BRCA1-associated breast cancer”

10.30-11.00 Dr. C Bassi, University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto ON, Canada – “Role of PTEN in the control of genomic instability”

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-11.45 Dr. A. Rufini, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK- “TAp73 depletion accelerates aging through deregulation of mitochondrial function”

11.45-12.15 Dr. P. Defilippi, University of Turin, MBC, Torino, Italy

12.15-12.45 Dr. P. Nisticò, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena IRCCS, Roma, Italy- 

12.45-13.45 Lunch

14-14.30 Dr. P. Allavena, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy- “Selective Targeting of  Tumor  Macrophages  by the marine anti-tumor agent Trabectedin”

14.30-15.30 Dr. D. Tuveson, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute Li Ka Shing Centre, Cambridge, UK

15.30-15.45 Coffee break

15.45-16.15 Dr. R. Tomasini, Centre de Recherche INSERM, Marseille, France –

16.15-16.45 Dr. P. Cappello, University of Turin, CeRMS-AOU San Giovanni Battista, Turin, Italy – “ENO1-DNA vaccination significantly prolongs survival in a mouse model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma”

16.45 Conclusions

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