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Dott.ssa Ilaria Buondonno

  • Dottorato: 29° ciclo
  • Matricola: 743363

Attività di ricerca

New therapeutic strategies against osteosarcoma

D'Amelio P, Sassi F, Buondonno I, Spertino E, Tamone C, Piano S, Zugna D, Richiardi L, Isaia GC. Effect of intermittent PTH treatment on plasma glucose in osteoporosis: A randomized trial. Bone. 2015 Mar 27. pii: S8756-3282(15)00096-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.03.018

Campia I, Buondonno I, Castella B, Kopecka J, Gazzano E, Ghigo D, Riganti C. An autocrine cytokine/JAK/STAT-signaling induces kynurenine synthesis in multidrug resistant human cancer cells. Plos One  2015 May 8;10(5):e0126159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126159

D’Amelio P, Sassi F, Buondonno I, Fornelli G, Spertino E, D’Amico L, Marchetti M, Lucchiari M, Roato I, Isaia GC. Treatment with intermittent PTH increases Wnt10b production by T cells in osteoporotic patients. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Jun 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Rigoni M, Riganti C, Vitale C, Griggio V, Campia I, Robino M, Foglietta M, Castella B, Sciancalepore P, Buondonno I, Drandi D, Ladetto M, Boccadoro M, Massaia M, Coscia M. Simvastatin and downstream inhibitors circumvent constitutive and stromal cell-induced resistance  to doxorubicin in ighv unmutated cll cells. Oncotarget 2015 [Epub ahead of print]

Li J.Y, D’Amelio P., Robinson J. , Walker L.D. , Vaccaro C. , Luo T. ,  Tyagi A.M. , Yu M. , Reott M. , Sassi F. , Buondonno I. , Adams J. , Weitzmann M.N., Isaia G.C. , Pacifici  IL-17 a is increased in humans with primary hyperparathyroidism and mediates PTH-induced bone loss in mice. Cell Metabolism 2015 [Epub ahead of print]

I.Buondonno , E.Gazzano, S.R. Jean, J.Kopecka, M.Fanelli, I.C. Salaroglio, C.Costamagna, C.M. Hattinger, D.Ghigo, S.O. Kelley, M.Serra, C. Riganti. Mitochondria-targeting doxorubicin: a new therapeutic strategy against doxorubicin-resistant osteosarcoma  28th  Annual Conference of Italian Association of Cell Cultures , 16-18 November 2015, Napoli, Italy

Buondonno I., Sassi F., Spertino E., Marchetti M., Fornelli G., Isaia G.C., D’Amelio P. “Effetto del PTH SUI LINFOCITI T SULL’IPERPARATIROISISMO PRIMITIVO” XV Congresso SIOMMMS, 12-14 November 2015, Bologna, Italy

Buondonno I., Sassi F., Luppi C., Spertino E., Stratta E., Isaia G.C., D’Amelio P. “Effect of type 2 diabetes on bone cells precursors” Fellow Day, 10 November 2015, Bologna, Italy

D’Amelio P,Sassi F, Buondonno I, Spertino E, D’amico L, Roato I, Isaia G.C. PTH treatment induces WNT10B expression in humans lymphoid cells. ECTS 2015 – 42th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, 25-28 April 2015 Rotterdam, Netherlands

Buondonno I., Sassi F., Luppi C., Spertino E., Stratta E., Isaia G.C., D’Amelio P. “Effect of type 2 diabetes on bone cells precursors” FORUM IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 6-7 March 2015, Turin, Italy

I. Buondonno, F. Sassi, E. Spertino, L. D’amico, I. Roato, G.C. Isaia, P. D’Amelio. PTH treatment induces WNT10B expression in humans lymphoid cells. FORUM IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, Siena 23-24 May 2014, Italy

P.D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno , E. Spertino, L. D’amico, I. Roato, G.C. Isaia. PTH treatment induces WNT10B expression in humans lymphoid cells. ECTS 2014 – 41th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Prague 17-20 May 2014, Czech Republic

P.D’Amelio, E.Spertino, F.Sassi, I. Buondonno, C.Tamone, S.Piano, G.C.Isaia. Treatment with PTH 1-84 influences glucose metabolism trough undercarboxylated osteocalcin. ECTS 2014 – 41th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues Prague 17-20 May 2014, Czech Republic

P. D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno, G. Fornelli, E. Bonardo, G.C. Isaia. Role of estrogen replacement therapy in the control of immune system in postmenopausal osteoporosis. ECTS 2013- 40th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Lisbon 18-21 May 2013, Portugal

P. D'amelio, C. Tamone, E. Spertino, S. Piano, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno, G.C. Isaia. Anabolic therapy with PTH 1-84 influences energy and glucose metabolism. ECTS 2012-39th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Stockholm 19-23 May 2012, Sweden

P. D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno, G.Rovera, R. Pellerito. T Lymphocytes and osteoclast precursors in early rheumatoid arthritis. ASBMR 2012Minneapolis 12-15 October, Minnesota, USA 


I.Buondonno , E.Gazzano, S.R. Jean, J.Kopecka, M.Fanelli, I.C. Salaroglio, C.Costamagna, C.M. Hattinger, D.Ghigo, S.O. Kelley, M.Serra, C. Riganti. Mitochondria-targeting doxorubicin: a new therapeutic strategy against doxorubicin-resistant osteosarcoma   Pharmacology 2015- British Pharmacological Society's flagship annual meeting  , 15-17 Dicember 2015, London, United Kingdom

I.Buondonno , E.Gazzano, S.R. Jean, J.Kopecka, M.Fanelli, I.C. Salaroglio, C.Costamagna, C.M. Hattinger, D.Ghigo, S.O. Kelley, M.Serra, C. Riganti. Mitochondria-targeting doxorubicin: a new therapeutic strategy against doxorubicin-resistant osteosarcoma  28th  Annual Conference of Italian Association of Cell Cultures , 16-18 November 2015, Napoli, Italy

I.Buondonno , E.Gazzano, K.Chegaev, J.Kopecka, D.Ghigo,.C. Riganti. New pharmacological tools against chemoresistant osteosarcoma 2 nd      International Symposium of the Cancer Research Center of Lyon, 21-23 September 2015 Lyon, France

I.Buondonno , E.Gazzano, K.Chegaev, J.Kopecka, D.Ghigo,.C. Riganti. New pharmacological tools against chemoresistant osteosarcoma.  9th International Conference of Anticancer Research, 6-10 October 2014, Sithonia, Greece

D’Amelio P, Sassi F., Buondonno I., Luppi C., Spertino E., Stratta E., M.Di Stefano, M.Trento, P.Passera, Isaia G.C. Effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus on bone metabolism. ECTS 2015 – 42th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, 25-28 April 2015 Rotterdam, Netherlands

 P.D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno , E. Spertino, L. D’amico, I. Roato, G.C. Isaia. PTH treatment induces WNT10B expression in humans lymphoid cells. ECTS 2014 – 41th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Prague 17-20 May 2014, Czech Republic

 P. D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno, G. Fornelli, E. Bonardo, G.C. Isaia. Role of estrogen replacement therapy in the control of immune system in postmenopausal osteoporosis. ECTS 2013- 40th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Lisbon 18-21 May 2013, Portugal

 P. D’Amelio, F. Sassi, I. Buondonno, G.Rovera, R. Pellerito. T Lymphocytes and osteoclast precursors in early rheumatoid arthritis. ASBMR 2012Minneapolis 12-15 October, Minnesota, USA



Pharmacology 2015- British Pharmacological Society's flagship annual meeting  , 15-17 Dicember 2015, London, United Kingdom

 28th  Annual Conference of Italian Association of Cell Cultures , 16-18 November 2015, Napoli, Italy

 XV Congresso SIOMMMS, 12-14 November 2015, Bologna, Italy

 2 nd      International Symposium of the Cancer Research Center of Lyon, 21-23 September 2015 Lyon, France

 FORUM IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 6-7 March 2015, Turin, Italy

9th International Conference of Anticancer Research, 6-10 October 2014, Sithonia, Greece

 FORUM IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, Siena 23-24 May 2014, Italy

 XIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIOMMMS- Bologna 14-16 november 2013, Italy

 FORUM IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH – Milano 19-20 March 2013, Italy

 FORUM BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH- Gazzada Schiano, 1-2 march 2012 Italy

 FORUM BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH- Torino, 1-2 february 2011 Italy




Cancer-Day: from metabolism to immunotherapy. Turin, 7 June 2012, Italy

“Targeted Therapy of Cancer: where we are heading” Workshop SIC, 27 June 2014, Turin

"Introduzione alla ricerca bibliografica" Torino Esposizioni,16/23 September 2014, Turin

Multiplexing Elispot Workshop. Verona, 24-25 September 2014, Italy

Corso di Biostatistica, June 2015, MBC, Turin

Immuno-Oncology Workshop, Paris, 9 September 2015, France

 Fellow-Day-SIOMMMS. Bologna, 11 November 2015, Italy

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03/12/2015 16:34
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